Mitia Morovov-Sheiner × Design Portfolio
Mitia is a multifaceted designer with 8+ years of experience their strengths delivering high quality results in a fast-paced environment across various media.

They create presentations, infographics, websites, print production and other media to fulfil the needs and goals of their clients.

Here are several selected projects.
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Created the website for the white-blue-white flag of the anti-war movement of Russians against the war with Ukraine with more than 100K views since 01.03.2022. Created social media accounts
for the flag with 9K subscribers total. Currently the flag can be seen all around the world.
Website and Social Networks
Сreated a logo from a client's idea. It should have combined a geotag, flag and a torch — as symbols of block of houses and mass education movement. I also added a counterform of a house into the logo. Moreover I created a pin, a print for clothing and some infographics.
Krasniy Prosveschenets ('Red Educator'), 2021
Historic Housing Block Logo
The goal was to create an app that helps people match their kinks without direct questions and answers. I've conducted several interviews, drafted internal logic and UX-patterns as well as created some images to show the basic UI. It's still WIP.
Kinkeez, 2020
Kinks Matching App
The World Alphabet projects aims to mold a consistent writing system out of all modern and ancient alphabets, abjads etc. from all over the world. The project's other goal is to preserve rare writing systems from extinction cataloguing them and spreading information.
World Alphabet, 2020–
Art Project
The presentation's goal was to convince freelancers, small and medium sized businesses' owners to switch to a 'smart office' when coworking spaces were not very popular.

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Pitch Presentation
The company was competing with old and well-established businesses in the car alarm systems' market having an innovative product. We used a newsletter to help clients realize benefits of using innovative app- and sms-based systems instead of simple car alarm.
ZONT, 2015
E-mail newsletter (@xDesign)
Mitia Morovov-Sheiner × CV
Develop presentations: compile templates for customers, create visual guides and design systems. Wireframe, design and develop landing pages, set up analytics and A/B-testing. Develop printing products. Collect information, create layouts for digital and print, create infographics and illustrations. Manage designers on creating illustrations, infographics etc. Design reports and create infographics for them.
Senior Communication Designer
FunBox, 2020—Current
Developed excursion programs and held excursions in temporary exhibitions for the deaf, blind and people with mental disabilities. Interpreted museum events to Russian Sign Language. Helped creating inclusive theatrical productions, supervised and interpreted during rehearsals, took part in the plays. Prepared and held regular excursions events for visitors to the museum. Did scientific work in the field of sign language.
Chief Specialist in the Department of Science and Education
National Centre for Contemporary Arts, 2018–2020
Created educational programs for teaching design to writers, editors and content marketing specialists. Developed audio-visual materials for the lectures. Held classes in online and offline format. Supervised the final work of students.
Lecturer, Design Teacher & Tutor
Netology New Media University, 2016—Current
Created websites for heavy industry and medical clinics. Developed banners and advertising. Led the client mailing production: developed a content plan, collected information from the customer, wrote the texts for the mailing letters, made illustrations and animations for them. Came up hypotheses, ran tests, collected data in a report and presented to the client. Developed landing pages.
xDesign Studio, 2015–2016
Designed printed products, developed brand identities, created websites, designed presentations for small businesses and non-profit organizations. Developed my own contracts for work with customers and design processes. Helped to obtain funding for projects through presentations. Helped to form and present a compelling visual images of organizations through branding.
Freelance Designer
Freelance, 2014–Current
Developed and maintained a content plan for social networks. Designed visual communications of the university. Did content management of the official university website. Managed business correspondence and correspondence on behalf of the university. Developed and implemented external advertising campaigns of the university. Managed the PR department within LUNN.
Chief PR-specialist, Assistant of the Rector
Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, 2014
Was responsible for the recording and production of podcasts, supervised the recording studio. Managed a team of sound engineers. Developed a content plan for social networks. Supervised the recording schedule for the studio podcasts. Interacted with the marketing department and conducted PR, visual communication and social media marketing. Spoke at thematic conferences. Looked for star guests for podcasts. Parsed incoming requests for podcasts to record in the studio and helped launch the podcast newcomers. Curated an online podcast platform.
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